I am definitely not going to pretend I have the answer to this contentious topic but some feedback would be most welcome!
As you know, I have a rather loopy side that takes me in some out of the way directions... For the last couple of years I've been obsessing about growing stuff and farming in general. This has lead to much reading and research which has left me feeling insanely bleak about life in general. Now I'm not talking about getting all down on myself and going crazy or anything, it's just that I've realised just how much "extra" stuff goes into our mouths unknowingly every single day. Sugar has been the topic of a previous rant and just yesterday I heard a report on the news about how much salt we consume on a daily basis (it's over 9g!!!). These are things we can read on the label (if you ever bother which I highly recommend getting into the habit of doing - all the time - you'll be horrified!)
It's the other stuff I'm worried about: food labels tell us how many stablilisers, flavour enhancers, preservatives, etc. there are in any given item but what abou the fresh produce? Im talking about strawberries (that let's be honest, don't really even taste like strawberries), apples, lettuces... this is all produce that has been grown on commercial farms that use synthetic fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides, etc. none of which are on any label but that I'm 100% certain I wouldn't bring into my house if they weren't on my veggies in some residual form.
I've been horrified to read recently how pasture land is grown (I was all warm and fuzzy buying pastured meat until I realised it's just as crazy!). To egt maximum yields, GMO (admittedly not all the time) seeds are planted and then sprayed... the beef or lamb or chicken we buy is then fed on this turbo charged grass/feedlot crop and we consume all the added 'stuff' in secondary form which is way concentrated... That's not even mentioning the antibiotics and additives in their feed.
I'm sure you can understand how I've managed to go a little mental and get down on myself...
How are you managing the 'extra stuff' in your shopping trolley? Has anyone got any thoughts on the topic?